Host Verification
About verifying Hosts on LoadForge
LoadForge requires that you add and verify hosts before you can run tests against them. This is to prevent users from running tests against websites or services that they do not own.
The process is very quick and requires either a simple meta tag or a file placed in your application’s public directory.
But why??? We do this to prevent LoadForge from being used to DoS other websites. It helps prove you own the website or application.
Meta Tag
The meta tag we use is called loadforge-site-verification
, and it needs to be placed in the header of your website or application. For APIs, this is often not appropriate, and the File method is recommended.
The final meta tag looks like this (with your unique verification code):
File Verification
The file check sends a request to your webserver for the file loadforge.txt
. If your site is
, then you would need to ensure that
is accessible.
Once this file is returned with the verification string we provide, the test will pass.
The file must contain your verification code, the same as seen in the meta tag example. The code for the meta tag and the file is always identical.
DNS Verification
You may also verify your ownership with a DNS TXT record called loadforge-site-verification
It must exist under the host you are trying to validate. For example,
must contain your account validation key as the value.
Lookup Example
Automatic Validation
We use the same verification tag for your account, regardless of the host. This means you can always use the meta tag or file we provide on any of your applications.
This also simplifies adding hosts through the API, as you will know their validation code in advance.
Additionally, if you validate
, we will automatically validate any subdomains under that domain, such as
, when you add them.
Alternative Validation
If you need to validate your domain manually, you can contact us or email You will be required to prove ownership.