LoadForge supports Okta SSO for logins to the LoadForge platform for Premium and Enterprise clients.

This allows your users to sign in to their own Teams, or to login to your company Team entirely through Okta.

Important! When a user first logs in through Okta they will be on their personal team. Click your name on the top right and select the company team (once invited) to switch. There is no need to pay again!


The team administrator should navigate to the SSO configuration page. From there you can configure the three main requirements for Okta, being:

  1. Client ID
  2. Client Secret
  3. Okta Domain

Once configured set the status to Enabled to allow logins on your Okta domain. Remember, invite users and tell them to switch to your corporate team to use your account.

Logging in

To login simply click the Okta button at the bottom of the Login or Register page on the LoadForge dashboard. Users will be asked for your Okta domain, for example, loadforge-dev.okta.com.

Inviting your team

When your team logs in they will be on their personal account. An administrator on your account must invite them to join your team - even though they have logged in through Okta.

Simply go to your Team (click your name on the top right) and add them as an Admin or an Editor. Once done they will be able to swap teams to yours and use your account!

Okta Set up

To get the client ID and secret from Okta you need to login to the Okta Administration portal and Add an Application.

  1. You will select OIDC - OpenID Connect, and set the application type to Web Application.

  2. Now enable Client Credentials, Authorization Code and Refresh Token on the second page. You can call the app integration LoadForge.

  3. Enter the Sign in redirect URI, this must be exact! LoadForge uses “https://app.loadforge.com/auth/callback/okta

  4. Ensure you select whole organization or which group of users can use this.

Then save the configuration and copy your Client ID and Client Secret to use on LoadForge.