
Cloud Costs

LoadForge utilizes DigitalOcean to power its load generation capabilities. By running your tests through our platform, you harness the robustness of DigitalOcean droplets to simulate real-world scenarios. This document will guide you through the cost structure and provide estimations for a better understanding of potential expenses.

DigitalOcean Integration and Costs

LoadForge launches its load generation servers directly on your DigitalOcean account. When you run your tests:

  • You're responsible for the fee associated with running the droplets, even if it's for a short duration.
  • Typically, a test may cost between $0.05 and $0.10.

Don't have a DigitalOcean account?

No worries! You can still run tests using our cloud infrastructure. However, this will incur a slightly higher charge per test.

Understanding Test Costs

LoadForge prioritizes transparency. Before you initiate any test:

  • We provide a detailed cost estimate.
  • In most cases, we provision VMs that cost $40/month.
  • For larger tests involving more than 50,000 users, the VMs cost $80/month. Beyond 100,000 users, they are priced at $120/month.

Please note that DigitalOcean bills by the hour. This means:

  • You'll be charged for a full hour's consumption for each droplet launched.
  • A controller is always launched for your test. Hence, your total cost will be for the controller plus the number of servers used in your test.

Capacity of a Server

Typically, a single worker server can handle between 10,000 and 20,000 virtual users.

Sample Cost Estimations

For a clearer understanding of your potential expenses, here are some sample costs based on the number of virtual users:

~10,000 virtual users = $0.11
~70,000 virtual users = $0.66
~200,000 virtual users = $3.57

While the costs are minimal for smaller tests, extensive, large-scale tests are more expensive. However, LoadForge ensures that even the heftier tests are significantly cheaper compared to many competitors.

Using LoadForge's Cloud Infrastructure

If you choose not to (or cannot) integrate your own DigitalOcean account, we've got you covered:

  • You can opt to use LoadForge's infrastructure.
  • Our pricing model is straightforward: $1 per server per hour.
  • Billing is calculated on an hourly basis, even if your test runs for less time.

Example: Running a 30-minute test using 2 servers on our cloud will cost you $2.

We hope this document clarifies the cost structure of LoadForge when using DigitalOcean. Always ensure you review the cost estimate provided by LoadForge before initiating a test to avoid any unexpected charges. Happy testing!

Using the cloud