Test guides

Browser Action Recording and HAR Conversion

LoadForge enables you to capture your browser actions in Google Chrome, which can then be seamlessly transformed into a test for LoadForge. This feature is especially useful for mimicking real user behavior, such as visiting pages, logging in, or making purchases on your site.

These browser recordings are referred to as HTTP Archive (HAR) files. Once you've produced a HAR file, it can be converted into a LoadForge test using the LoadForge HAR Converter.

Preparing to Record Your Scenario

Preparation is key! Before starting the recording, ensure you have a clear plan in place:

  • Decide on the Scenario: Think through the exact steps you'd like to record, including which pages to visit, what data to input, and which buttons to click.

  • Use Google Chrome: LoadForge's browser action recording is optimized for Google Chrome. Ensure you have it installed.

Steps to Record Your Scenario

Follow these steps meticulously to capture the desired user actions:

  1. Start Clean: Open Chrome in Incognito mode. This ensures there are no pre-existing cookies that might interfere with your test.
  2. Access Developer Tools: You can do this by right-clicking on any page and selecting "Inspect" or pressing Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Option + I (Mac).
  3. Navigate to the Network Panel: This is where you'll see all network requests made by your browser.
  4. Set Recording Preferences:
    • Select Disable cache to ensure you're not loading cached versions of resources.
    • Activate Preserve log to keep the log even after you navigate to a different page.
  5. Clear Previous Logs: Use the Clear 🚫 button to remove any old data.
  6. Begin Recording: Ensure the Record button is red 🔴. If not, click it to start recording.
  7. Start Your Scenario: Enter your target website, like https://loadforge.com, and commence your planned actions.

Pro Tip

Allow some buffer time after each action. Wait until the Network panel ceases showing any activity to ensure all page requests are captured completely.

Saving and Using Your Recorded Scenario

After capturing the desired actions, proceed to save and use them:

  1. Stop Recording: Click the red 🔴 Record button again to terminate the recording.
  2. Export as HAR:
    • Right-click any listed file in the Network panel's bottom pane.
    • Choose "Save as HAR with content".
  3. Save Locally: Designate a location on your machine and save the file.

Now, with your HAR file in hand, you can upload it to the LoadForge HAR Converter and craft your test.

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